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Medusa Coils

Medusa Pre Built Coils

Medusa Pre Built Coils

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Coil Type

Pack size: (2) Coils

Coil Material: Kanthal

Clapton: Single Coil 0.6Ω

Parallel Fused Clapton: Single Coil 0.2Ω

Parallel Tank Track: Single Coil 0.2Ω

Framed Staple: Single Coil 0.3Ω

Ohm ratings are close approximates based on testing coils from batches. Ohm readings can vary by reader, mod and other variables such as how short they are cut for use in specific RDAs, etc.

Some of these coils will result in very low builds, so be cautious and please advise customers on the safety aspects of building with advanced coils that result in low resistance.


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